A Guide to Intrinsic Motivation & Motivating Environmentally Sustainable Behaviors in the Workplace


What are the most effective strategies for galvanizing employee motivation? And what about motivating environmentally sustainable behaviors? These topics are gaining relevance as businesses all over the world pivot strategies, stated values, supply chains, and more, to meet environmentally-conscious commitments. Motivating employees is a challenge in and of itself; pairing this shift with climate-related issues is an even more complex task. Here, we walk through the science of intrinsic motivation and how to catalyze sustainable behavior change in the workplace.

This guide offers the research behind the most effective, proven strategies for enhancing intrinsic motivation in the workplace, including how to remove barriers that hinder employee motivation, and how to catalyze lasting environmentally sustainable behavior change, with recommendations for immediate ways to apply this information in the workplace. You’ll walk away feeling empowered to make the innovative changes needed in your workplace while cultivating an environment that people are proud and eager to be a part of.

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